Notes from Kelvin Ho’s Lesson on 3/13/21

by Barbara Li on 2021/03/14

Kelvin corrected my Upper Cloudy Hands starting from previous pose, Single Whip.

Corrections of my Single Whip pose: arms must extend further on either side, and hands are about shoulder height; elbows facing down; left palm facing down; sit the wrist; tips of thumb and middle finger of right hand touching, so right hand resembles the beak of a bird; sit the wrist. Hands must be tile hands (curved roof tiles on traditional Chinese building), fingers stretched tight outwards.

Corrections of Upper Cloudy Hands: 3 moves in this form. 4 counts in first move and 3 counts each in 2nd and 3rd move.

Upper Cloudy Hands 1st move: 1st count Double positive circle (in with left elbow, out with right hand); 2nd count is out with left hand, in with right elbow; 3rd count is in with left elbow, out with right hand; 4th count is in with right elbow, out with left hand, while at the same time shuffle your right foot one step to the left.

Upper Cloudy Hands 2nd move and 3rd move are the same: 1st count: in with left elbow, out with right hand while left foot step one step to the left, heel first. 2nd count: shift weight to left foot; 3rd count: in with right elbow, out with left hand, while shuffling your right foot one step to the left.

Practice Upper Cloudy Hands – can repeat 2nd or 3rd move, as long as you have space. Cloudy Hands is Double Positive Circle with moving steps.  Practice Double Positive Circle in foundations first then add moving steps.

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Kelvin Ho March 14, 2021 at 8:53 am

> Corrections of my Single Whip pose: arms must extend further on either side but cannot be higher than eyebrows;

Middle finger not higher than finger tip is a general statement. For single whip specifically, the hands are about shoulder height.

Good notes of a lot of details.


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