So glad to see John! And he sent a Basketball player rolling across the court!

by Nicholas Fung馮嘉傑(香港) on 2016/08/28

14138127_1225470587484056_3943916346075667431_oFresh new Mr. accountant John and I had a catch up today and celebrated. Despite his absence, he has been keeping up with the basics and was able to develop new moves on the basketball court. Yeah, he sent a guy rolling across the court when pushed from behind. I am impressed! And, John didn’t know what had happened except for not moving!



About Nicholas Fung馮嘉傑(香港)

I have studied under Master Chen Zhonghua since 2005. The majority of these classes are private classes. Right from the first trial class, I recognized the importance of spending quality one to one with this true Master. I am proud to be his disciple and have some results in my skills to show.

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