Maple Ridge Workshops by Helen Kita 2009

by helenkita on 2010/01/05

Originally written by: Helen Kita
This is the third year I have taken Master Chen’s workshops. I have enjoyed his teachings and have learned many skills and know I am on a long journey to understand the principles of tai chi.

I am progressing very slowly and have made tai chi part of my daily routine. As I continue to practice doing circles, the yilu and cannon fist forms I am feeling different muscles move and am more aware of my posture and am trying to keep my hands still and work my feet and legs more. I have found Master Chen’s DVDs helpful.

I learn the moves from the DVD and then I am able to follow Master Chen more easily at the workshops and I try to modify and improve the moves. I have discovered that if he makes a slight correction it will take a while and a lot of practice to achieve that move. I appreciate that it is the process that is important.

the last workshop he emphasized that we will never reach the goals of the principles and because of that we will keep trying to achieve them and improve our skills. What Master Chen teaches us also applies to other areas in my life and helps to keep my mind and body active. He gives us a lot of information and is quite patient with us if he has to repeat himself. I feel fortunate I am on this journey and have met very dedicated, friendly and witty comrades.

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