Taiji Traditions 2009 comments by Daniel Kahn

by webmaster3 on 2009/11/10

Originally written by: Daniel Kahn

Hey Gord,
As I said, I had a great time. Even the weather contributed to the focus on taiji 😉

Here are four thoughts that occur to me. All are minor.

1) laundry facilities would have been welcome. 
2) if there are any longer beds i would ask for one. I believe the one i slept on was 6′ and i am 6’2″. I slept diagonally and this was no big deal. Another option would be a bed without a footboard.
3) if there is a chance for an early tour of the property. I understand there was a lake.
4) Tee-shirts! Sweatshirts! Patches! Posters of yi lu stills and other study aids.

Thank you, btw, for all your help with the techniques and philosophy as well as the personnel chauffer service. I’ll bring flip flops from home next year.

No problems in that department btw. Probably tmi.

Also thank you for the demo disk. I didn’t have video of someone my shape doing yang/cmc well. Now i do.

I look forward to seeing Master Chen next month. I don’t know how big the entourage is but if one or two people need shelter and would like to travel with me from brooklyn to queens they would be welcome at my home.

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